Costain, in alignment with High Speed 2 (HS2) values, and as part of the Skanska Costain STRABAG Joint Venture (SCS JV), reflect a commitment to creating positive change in the areas we operate. 

While delivering on the HS2 project, we have recognised the importance of both building infrastructure and delivering a positive impact on local communities. SCS JV has been proactive in their commitment to being good neighbours and has held regular public meetings to keep local residents informed and updated as the project progresses, and providing an opportunity for a two-way dialogue.

SCS JV has demonstrated its commitment to HS2’s “Respecting People, Respecting Places” engagement strategy and through initiatives with Modern Motors MOT Centre, Perivale Wood Accessibility Project, and the renovation of the Railway Cottages Alley, we aim to showcase the transformative power of community engagement. These endeavours not only enhance the physical landscape but embody the ethos of HS2, contributing to a lasting legacy of meaningful change and sustainable development. 

19 Collaborating For Positive Change Case Study (1) 19 Collaborating For Positive Change Case Study (1)

The CSC JV Stakeholder Engagement Team joined forces with Modern Motors MOT centre to combat graffiti, enhancing the entrance with anti-graffiti paint. This benefited Modern Motors and also improved the local community’s visual landscape. In collaboration with the Selborne Society, SCS JV constructed a wheelchair-accessible entrance at Perivale Wood, promoting social inclusivity and environmental stewardship. The project involved eight volunteers contributing 256 hours and donated materials. Addressing a resident-led initiative, the SCS JV Engagement Team renovated the alley behind 1880 Railway Cottages, overcoming delays and earning positive feedback from the Selborne Society and the community.

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