For the fourth year in a row, experts have recognised Costain for its efforts to work towards gender equality.
The Times Top 50 Employers for Women is the UK’s most highly profiled and well-established listing of employers striving for gender equality in the workplace. Run by the charity Business in the Community – The Prince’s Responsible Business Network – for more than a decade, the incredibly competitive process identifies companies which make gender equality part of their business strategy and are trying to bring it to life at all levels of the organisation.

Applicants are assessed on a range of areas, including their approach to recruitment, family friendly policies and how they have championed gender equality in the context of the pandemic.
Catherine Warbrick, Costain’s Group HR director, said: “Through committed leadership we are challenging gender stereotypes at all levels and creating a genuinely inclusive working environment where everyone can be at their best every day. We are proud that our Executive Board is more than 50% and our PLC board is over 40% female.”
“Progress on gender equality is more important now than ever. We recognise that we have a unique opportunity to build back responsibly from the effects of the pandemic and create lasting change in our industry in 2021 and beyond.”
Charlotte Woodworth, Gender Equality Director at Business in the Community, said: “COVID-19 has shone a light on how far we have to go on gender equality: by having to pick up things like the bulk of extra caring responsibilities, women have been disproportionately affected by lockdown."
"We congratulate the many employers who have maintained their efforts towards gender equality at this time, often introducing innovative policies to support their workforce during this period. This year’s application process for The Times Top 50 Employers for Women was the most competitive one we have seen in five years. Employers like Costain haven’t forgotten women at work and they are committed to making gender inequality a thing of the past.”
Find out more about Costain’s approach to equality, diversity and inclusion
Below we have put a spotlight on a trio of powerhouse women at Costain. Click on the links to learn more about them.