FY 2024E | FY 2025E | FY 2026E | |
Revenue (£m) | 1260.3 | 1238.8 | 1271.3 |
Adjusted operating profit (£m) | 42.3 | 46.6 | 50.1 |
EPS adjusted (p) | 12.3 | 13.5 | 14.6 |
Net cash at period end (£m) | 160.3 | 182.7 | 204.2 |
Date: August 2024
Consensus based on average of research from the sell-side analysts who cover Costain.
See: costain-h1-2024-results-rns-final.pdf for definitions of adjusted measures.
The above table contains the average of consensus estimates from certain analysts covering Costain Group PLC and its subsidiaries/affiliates ("Costain").
The consensus information from these analysts represents the views of such analysts alone and do not represent the views of Costain. By presenting the table above, Costain does not endorse or concur with any of such analysts’ opinions, forecasts, estimates, projections, predictions or recommendations.
Costain and its directors, officers and employees make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to, or accept any responsibility for, the selection, accuracy or completeness of the consensus information (or the average derived therefore) or otherwise endorses or concurs with any of the consensus information (or the average derived therefrom).
The consensus information (and the average derived therefrom) is subject to risks and uncertainties, meaning actual results may differ. Neither Costain nor its directors, officers and/or employees accepts any responsibility or liability for the consequences of any reliance upon, or actions taken based on, such information.
The consensus information (and the average derived therefrom) has been prepared without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any person.
Costain does not assume any responsibility to update, revise or supplement any consensus information (or the average derived therefrom). Costain is not obliged to publish the information in the above table and reserves the right (in its absolute discretion) to revise its practice on this and/or cease to publish such information at any time.